LinkedIn Company Page

Optimized pages to build your company's brand

LinkedIn Company Pages rank highly on search engine results. With a professionally written Page your business would showcase its expertise, strengthen its brand image, and reach a much wider audience. Without a LinkedIn Company Page you could be missing out on new customers, employees, and followers.

LinkedIn Company Page

Page Set-up | Optimization

My team and I would increase your company’s LinkedIn presence, grow your brand, share new job openings, and win new business by setting up and writing persuasive content for your LinkedIn Company Page.  How does it work?

·       We ask you for company news / product / service information.

·       Consultations via Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp help us to learn more about your company

       set up, develop and write SEO content for your new LinkedIn Company Page

·       write a keyword-rich Profile to ensure people searching your industry find your Page

·       create an engaging About section to showcase your brand, company mission, values …

·       add high-quality images to showcase your products and services

·       highlight career information to attract potential job candidates

·       include your website URL, and key contact links

·       consult, review, and monitor your Company Page for one month to ensure a good result.

For more information call +44 (0)744 305 3780 for a consultation and no obligation quote.

Showcase Page

A sub-page of your Company Page, the Showcase Page helps to promote your brand, products, and services and build client and employee relationships.  We can write SEO-friendly profile pages to include …

•  Distinct design with a large, welcoming ‘banner’ to capture attention
•  Two company logo images – plus your website’s URL
•  Compelling, keyword rich Introductory Showcase Profile
•  Information and updates on your news, products and services
•  Brand information, subsidiary companies, annual events 
•  Rich, visual content – images, slide-shares, and more

Please get in touch for a complimentary consultation to learn more – we are happy to advise on how we can work together to create compelling Company + Showcase pages.

Cost efficient Packages are available when combined with LinkedIn Profiles.

Helga was just embarking on her MBA when we first met, and her industry PR marketing knowledge and ability to engage the interest of multiple client segments was superb all those years ago. Helga's extensive global market insight is second to none. An absolute pleasure to work with 
and to recommend with confidence.
Helga recently reviewed and updated the Company Profiles and CVs. We were highly impressed by Helga's thorough and professional approach, speed of turn round and very high quality of deliverable. I totally recommend Helga and her excellent writing services.  
Japp cameron, managing director, fordell business associates
Helga is a pleasure to work with.   Highly supportive and communicative, she knew intuitively how to get our message across with maximum impact. Her expertise and passion for her work is reflected in the fantastic representation of the company
rebecca gooch
What can I say. The clients were so impressed they asked for your contact details!
David, Construction services sector, hong kong
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